Bachelor weekend

The FP Gal is back from her trip to IA. She and Relia survived just fine without me. When she arrived back home she was all smiles. After about twenty minutes or so this turned into inconsolable crying. Wailing and wailing as if the world was going to end.
The tale of the tape from the weekend?
  • There were seven McDonalds bags in the garbage. Only three of them were from me. This was probably too much. I'm swearing off the arches for awhile. At least until Wednesday.
  • I got to write several thousand words, enough where I'm confident I can reach 50k by Friday. Guess who else is playing? Good for him and I hope he gets there too.
  • With Hans in town we did some game playing on Saturday. I was competitive but didn't win anything. Maybe next time.
  • I had two (2) nights where I didn't have to share the sheets or the comforter. Very nice.
I'm glad they're home.


MommyLisa said…
So, how do I read this novel?
carrster said…
So inconsolable crying from Sarah or 'Relia?

Meigan said…
LOL, Carrie! I thought the same thing!

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