
(This post is in honor of Mark Buehrle's perfect game today.)

Tonight we were on the porch with Relia. You might remember her White Sox bat from this video. The FP Gal asked her to find the accompanying ball so we could show her how to use it. Let's just say that she's not quite ready for the Bigs yet.
She started off with the ball on the floor. She carefully lifted the bat over her head and proceeded to pound the ball Bam-Bam style. The bat is foam with some kind of solid core. We stopped her before she figured out some way to dent something.
Then she gave me the bat and we encouraged her to throw it so I could hit (well, bunt). If the FP Gal threw the ball we were fine. But Relia doesn't have the hang of pitching yet. She'd say "Ready," and then run up to me and spike the ball at my midsection. Again, she's not ready for the Bigs.
Also of note, the FP Gal is a good bunter too. On another note, we probably shouldn't be teaching her how to swing a bat just yet...


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