
Yesterday Relia and I decided to give the FP Gal a break so we drove down to Austin to see my dad. I drove on the way down; for the last half of the trip she sat in back and complained about my driving (at least I think that's what she yelled about).
When we got down there we met Dad at a private home where they sell cats. He adopted (bought, but ownership probably goes the other way, right?) one but we got to roam around and meet the rest. Relia has learned to stick out a finger so that the kitties can sniff it. Then she laughs. Every time we walked through the kitchen she'd look at me and say, "cookie?" but I told her not yet.
Then to dad's house with the kitty. While he set up the new cat stuff Relia wandered around a bit. Again she asked, "cookie?" and was rewarded with fig newtons. We discovered that she doesn't associate stuffed woolly mammoths with elephants. The new kitty (Missy) went into hiding.
Lunch at the Holiday Inn was buffet style with my Aunt Donna and Uncle David. Relia loved the carrots, ate some of the corn and turned her nose up at the cocktail wieners. Dad shared some ice cream with her, surprising her by mixing in a spoonful of corn when she didn't expect it. Priceless face.
Then out to the Nature Center to see how damaged it was by the storm. Some branches down and a few trees but no real bare patches. Relia said, "tree broken". It was a very pleasant walk. The Nature Center is a real jewel and I sometimes miss it. We went into the visitor center but the lady there said that the exhibits were closed. She said that the day before they had suffered a 'moth larvae outbreak'. Please note that those three words will get me to exit any building quickly.
Back to dad's to check diaperage and get ready for the road. Again, "cookie?" and she was rewarded. Then out to Geneva to a friend of dad's to pick up some children's books. I mentioned that Relia wasn't napping yet but that I could use one. I was offered a coke and then dad said that Relia had a question to ask our host. "Cookie?"
Yes, Relia has officialy unlocked the key to getting cookies. Look cute, make your eyes all big and whenever you're in somebody's home just ask away.


Meigan said…
What a sweet story. And it would make me incredibly homesick if it wasn't for the fact that my family is due here in a few hours - woohoo!

I'm pretty sure they didn't bring the nature center with them, though.
DD4 said…
She takes after my side of the family with sweets. :-)

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