DF Update

The FP Gal mentioned that we taught DF to sign 'more' while eating. It really is adorable and I'm sure at some point we'll get some video. He couldn't be more pleased with himself or maybe just pleased because we're pleased. Not sure. And seriously, no one does 'happy' better than a nine month old.
Still lots of walking around with him. He moves at a good clip if you hold one of his hands. If he gets another hand he puts on the turbo and cruises. Also does lots of moving around from chair to wall to table to chair to etc. If you leave him for a moment he will move a surprising distance when you get back.
What else? He recognizes his name now. Not 'DF', of course. Not sure how long that will stick around or how he'll feel about it. That's just one of the hazards of growing up in casa de FP.

We're anxiously waiting for warmer weather. I'm ready to get him outside so he can amble on the grass. I saw some pics of a very young Relia on a swing today and I'm betting that he'll be all smiley and cute too.


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