Walking with Dragons

We've been spending quite a bit of time over the last week or so walking with little DF. If you let him hold a finger with each of his hands he will walk so fast that he's almost running. Over the weekend he became confident enough with just one finger that he can walk slowly but steadily. It's both exciting and worrisome! Relia keeps saying that he's almost like cousin Will.
He's also using the furniture to wander and explore the house with. He'll start at the coffee table, work his way to the couch and my desk and then along the wall and into the dining room. The other night he was doing (slow) laps around the dining room table. DF is also very good at showing us which parts of the house we've done a bad job at baby-proofing!
My guess is that he really is going to skip crawling and sometime in the next few days he'll take his very own solo steps.


AisforRandom said…
That blog name scares me. poltergeist still gives me nightmares.

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