
(While in the car riding home from Target.)

FP Gal: Did I tell you that when Relia and I were looking for her new socks she said to me "Look, they have nipple covers for me!".
Me: Bras?
FP Gal: Yes, and I told her that she couldn't get them until she's bigger.
Relia: And when I get older like Annika, I'll have bigger nipples.
FP Gal: No, older than that. Older like your cousin Morgan.
Relia: Or like you! Or Grandma D! Or Nana!
Me: (leaning over towards the FP Gal while feeling my cheeks) I think I'm going to spontaneously combust.


carrster said…
Hee hee....expect more of THOSE moments in your future!!
Kate said…

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