A Foggy Day

We had some wonderful fog this morning and it kind of saved my day. To explain, I worked the last three nights and have been on very short sleep. Last night was especially bad since I didn't even get into bed until nearly 2a and Relia came in at what seemed like 430a but was probably 630a. Per usual, as soon as I was out of bed I was busy doing this and that for her and Felix. I was very grumpy but trying to keep it all under wraps.
And then we got outside, in that wonderful wet fog. A bird was singing, everything looked melty and it was simply delicious. I got Felix into his car seat and went back for Relia. I had her stop on the top step and told her what I was enjoying. She calmed and really paused and for a minute seemed to really get it.
And frankly, that saved my entire day.


carrster said…
I simply love moments like that.

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