Oscar Review

Overall I thought that it was one of the worst Oscar broadcasts that I can remember. It was drab and uninspired. The hosting was dreadful. Well, Anne Hathaway was cute and enthusiastic but James Franco seemed like he was only there because he lost a bet. The only memorable speech was memorable because Kirk Douglas upstaged it.
Ok, so the presentation lacked, what about the layout of the evening? Very few montages (and I like montages!). In past years we've learned about all of the Best Picture nominees but not this year. I know 'Winter's Bone' was nominated but I still don't know anything about why I should go see it.
The highlight of my evening was discovering the song behind a great Diet Coke commercial:

It is amazing to me that an industry that is built on creating theater can fail so hard on their biggest night.


carrster said…
Yeah, I agree. It seemed like Defranco was stoned or something - just lackadasical. I liked Anne Hathaway but it just seemed...bleh.

I agree. I love montages too. I did like what they did with a few of the presenting montages, but agreed, no clue what Winter's Bone is about.

My favorite presenters were Robert Downey Jr & Jude Law.

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