Minneapolis Institute of Art

My dad came up today so we could go to the Minneapolis Institute of Art. A few weeks ago Relia mentioned going to a museum. Specifically she wanted to go the 'castle museum' but despite a concerted effort, I couldn't discover what she was talking about. But I've been curious if she was ready for some art so I decided to give it a shot.
The first thing she noticed there was the large hanging glass art near the entrance. I thought it looked like the sun. She thought it was an anemone (and I love that she knows what an anemone is). We then proceeded upstairs and by chance started out in the Asian rooms. I think that ancient Chinese work is beautiful. So did dad. Relia . . . thought it was funny that someone would make a stone horse.
Frankly, we had trouble finding something interesting for her. She couldn't touch things and didn't understand what we saw in them. She wanted to test each room for its echo by loudly hooting. In short, it was kind of a strain for a three year old. Until she saw the panda. Then she decided that art could be very cool.
We had a brief moment in the impressionistic area. I picked her up and brought her in nice and tight so she could see that the painting was all little spots of color. Then moved her back so she could see the whole picture. Maybe not a big deal, but it felt good to me. Right after that we saw a sculpture of a nude man, without a head. I explained that it wasn't broken, they just didn't do that part. She told me she could see his feet and legs and then, while pointing at his 'manhood', "And there is his brain". That's it, no more daytime television for her!
She was awfully well behaved. This was especially impressive considering that it was coming up on nap-time. Her review? "It was kind of boring." But when I asked if she wanted to go back again sometime, she said yes.


Kate said…
And there is his brain. Oh my God, Peder! OMG!

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