The dreaded DVD opener

Relia is big enough now to start moving the furniture on her own. This has some definite downside. Ever since she's been walking we've barricaded off the DVD player, VCR and cable box. She likes to push buttons, changing channels and turning off important things. Not so good.
Well, our barricade (most would call it a table) is no longer an obstacle for her. We don't have a good way of keeping it in place that doesn't involve bolts or welding or something. So she can get to the critical stuff.
Today she discovered the button that opens the DVD player. Big mistake! The tray slides out without warning!!! She gets a worried look on her face and runs to the couch where she's (probably) safe.
In the background, Mommy and Daddy laugh.


Kate said…
Oh, that cracks me up! Silly machine, scaring the baby!

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