Football Sunday

Today marks the kickoff for most of the NFL's teams. This marks the beginning of four months of glorious laying on couches and yelling at the TV. Thought I'd throw out some random thoughts:
  • The first game was actually played on Thursday night. The NFL wants to create a special day similar to baseball's Opening Day. Sorry, it's not really working. Football has something special in having most of it's games happen on one day of the week. It makes it more of an event. The more they split off games, the less of an event it is.
  • And this goes to the heart of the problem with the opening double Monday night games. Not only do you take one more good game off of the Sunday schedule, you screw up the rhythm. After you work an eight hour day, it's tough to watch two football games. Please fix this for next year. And stop starting Viking games at 6p.
  • A note to the local Fox affiliate, just because the Lions play in the same division doesn't mean that anyone in Minnesota wants to watch them play against the Falcons. Seriously, even if they were playing against a good team very few would want to actually watch them.
  • On the other channel, I've got Jets/Dolphins. The Dolphins and Falcons went 5-27 last year and in week one, I can watch either of them. Sweet. (Possibly this is the work of the NFL Ticket people. Very sneaky.)
  • In one of my fantasy football leagues, I picked Tom Brady fairly high for my QB. I probably ended his career with a knee injury. Sorry!
  • Complaints aside, it's cool and overcast. Ozzie is willing to sleep on me and right now Relia is taking a nap. Big wealthy men are slamming into each other for my enjoyment. Life is pretty good.


Meigan said…
See? You shoulda picked Jet Favre!
Peder said…
Meigan, and now word comes down that Brady is out for the season. Wow. I'd use this power for good if I could only figure out how.
Hmmmmm, looks like Eli Manning is available. Think I can take down the Giants, too?
Test said…
how about taking out kyle orton instead? after what happened in indy last night we might have an interesting division this year :)

and amen. wtf is up with starting a game at 6pm? we all know packer fans wouldn't hesitate to still attend a game starting at 8pm. just another example of how the purple get the shaft (insert silly laughter, i'm really not THAT minnesota fan).

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