Relia's Boyfriend

The FP Gal has found a boyfriend for our baby girl. His name is Thomas Sangster and here's his info. She picked him out while watching 'Love Actually' last week. Quote:
That's the one. He's cute and intelligent. And a redhead.
There's a catch of course. You might note that he turned 18 this year so there's a slight age difference. No problem, when he's 48 she'll be 30 and then it won't be such a big problem. We want to encourage her to marry late anyway.
One other note of interest, he appeared in two Doctor Who episodes. The main villain in those two is an actor named Harry Lloyd who is the spitting image of the FP Gal's brother. Judge for yourself.


MamaD4 said…
He is adorable in Love Actually! But--he's 18? Really? Has that movie been out for that long?
Peder said…
It came out in 2003. It was probably shot in 2001 or so.
Sarita said…
I don't want her to marry the actor, I want her to marry the character, Sam. I also did NOT say that he was a readhead. YOU said that.

Stop misquoting me or your sleeping onthe couch. ;o)
MommyLisa said…
LOVE the character - so agree with you on that!

I want boo boo la la to grow up and marry Joel - one of the sextuplets on Jon and Kate plus 8.

I know, you can't stand that show!

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