My head is again. Smooth as a ping-pong ball. And it feels great!
One thing they never tell you (although it makes sense if you ever think about it) is that toddlers take up a ton of your morning time. Usually I can make up for a busy day or two but this past week has been fairly nonstop. That meant my showers were brief (or skipped). That meant no shaving. And that meant hair all over the back of my head. Yuck!
The FP Gal thought it felt nice and velvety. I thought it felt itchy and gross. Well now I'm back to my regular hydro-dynamic self and I'm ready to roll.
One thing they never tell you (although it makes sense if you ever think about it) is that toddlers take up a ton of your morning time. Usually I can make up for a busy day or two but this past week has been fairly nonstop. That meant my showers were brief (or skipped). That meant no shaving. And that meant hair all over the back of my head. Yuck!
The FP Gal thought it felt nice and velvety. I thought it felt itchy and gross. Well now I'm back to my regular hydro-dynamic self and I'm ready to roll.
Nice and velvety, huh? Like a bunny in a board book?
By the way, totally OT, but thanks for taking care of Hans while he was home. It is greatly appreciated!
It was great to see Hans while he was back and no trouble whatsoever to put him up for a few days.
It would probably be prohibitively expensive.