Erna Walker, RIP

My Dad just called and let me know that my Grandma has just passed on. The last few weeks were very up and down. She seemed very near the end and then gradually brightened. It seems that today she slid back down and that was that.
She lived a very full life. We have many wonderful memories of being with her and around her. We know that she's no longer suffering. Her brightening near the end was a great blessing because it allowed most of her family to see and talk with her one last time. We were able to tell her that we love her and know that she loved us.


MamaD4 said…
My condolences to everyone.

I have called the JOC here and they are relaying a message to Hans.

I'm glad that everyone got to spend a couple of happy days with her and that she rallied and had some better days before she left us.

You are all in my thoughts.
Peder, I am so glad that I went to Austin and was able to hold Erna's hand for a minute. I was so happy to have the time to visit with Hans, Heidi, David's family, Steve and CeCe.
Anonymous said…
My sincere sympathy to all- It was so great that Hans & Heidi got to see her--so much better that way than coming for a funeral. I love the pix of Relia at the piano! Aunt Liz
Kate said…
Peder, my thoughts are with you. What a life she had, and what wonderful children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren she had to share it with her. I'm sure you'll cherish the memories.
carrster said…
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. :(

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