Random Sesame Street thoughts

Relia's TV watching has brought lots and lots of Sesame Street back into my life. Thoughts?
  • They've done a good job of mixing old clips with new. In fact, now that I think of it I think that the only new stuff is the loose storyline that each episode features. The smaller clips all seem to be the classic stuff.
  • Speaking of the smaller stuff, the FP Gal could rattle off about ten of the old letter songs. I liked this one the best.
  • My favorite new character? A little lamb named Ovejita that hangs out with a muppet named Murray (clip here). She's perky and fun and has a great laugh. We can't find a doll of her but we'll give it time.
  • The smartest Sesame Street character hands down? Oscar. Not even a contest. I'm not sure what that means in the big picture but I find it interesting.
  • I can see why Elmo bugs the FP Gal. One of the endearing qualities of Sesame Street is that there is plenty for adults to enjoy while the younglings watch. Not so with the small red guy. He is insipid, cloying and laughs too much. Also, his segment always features a song that consists of one word, repeatedly sung to the tune of 'Jingle Bells'. Ugh.
  • And he's also Relia's favorite, so don't tell her that I wrote this.
All in all, it's a quality show and I'm glad that it's on for her. I think it might even be helping her recognize letters and numbers. That's still a work in progress, of course. Tonight she kept counting, "One, two, five". (No! Three, sir!) There's still time.


carrster said…
Have you seen the clip with Elmo & Robert DeNiro? DeNiro is explaining what being an actor means. It is hilarious. Elmo keeps imagining DeNiro as...a "Taxi Drive" for instance - and then there's a mohawked elmo-esque DeNiro. It is hilarious! I love that stuff. Yay for Sesame Street!

(and as you know, I dig Elmo) And the fact that Dahlia can say his name!!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I just sent a friend about thirty vintage YouTube Sesame Street clips, none of which contained That Nameless Muppet.

I think my favorite Oscar bit, hands down, had to be when they were showing off how smart Barkley was by showing that he could count by barking, and Oscar said, right at the end, "Hey, Barkley! How many people are there in China?"
Test said…
It's Claire's favorite too (as we all witnessed in Duluth). Oh well...
Jennifer Miller said…
Wait until Yo Gabba Gabba. It's baby crack and they can never get enough. One of the puppets looks exactly like a vibrator. And I am not trying to be inappropriate; it's true. Google it. Thankfully it came out AFTER Connor's baby age. Now I just have to deal with Sponge Bob. Which isn't much better.

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