Best Movies of the 00's

Yes, another list. Actually a bunch of lists. Slate has set up an interactive guide that aggregates various 'best of the decade' lists. Each movie is on a scale from 50-1 with best movies getting a full 50 points and the 50th best getting only 1. The results are kind of interesting.
Best overall movie? 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'. The FP Gal and I both like it a bunch. The story is good and well told. The questions it raises are worthwhile. The cinematic technique is outstanding. Probably wouldn't be my choice but it's a strong one.
It was one of only two movies that made all six lists (the other was '4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days'). That says something about how few movies towered over the rest. Only two movies were on five lists and 12 made it on four of them. More than half of them were only on one list. This is a very diffuse list.
The various number 1's:
  • 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'
  • 'Eloge de l’amour (In Praise of Love)' (haven't even heard of this one)
  • 'Mulholland Dr'
  • 'Hidden (Cache)' (haven't heard of this one either)
  • 'Fahrenheit 911'
  • 'City of God'


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