
At least that's what the FP Gal is calling it. Just wanted to get word out to the rest of the family that in spite of the dire warnings of snow on the way WE ARE ALL STILL ALIVE. Updates as warranted, of course.
It sounds like the worst of it will hit further south. I'll try to reach someone in Austin later to make sure they're still there. From news reports, I wouldn't bet on it.

Stay safe out there...


Sarita said…
carrster said…
hahahaha - well since my Mom had to go to work at the clinic this morning in SpamTown I would say they're surviving. :) But they'll probably be staying there (instead of going to the Cities) tonight!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
You know, it's really not that bad out, all things considered. It just means you can't wear your tennis shoes out any longer.

And I had to chuckle at the spelling correction. :]

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