Family Traditions

Before I got married, I never once thought about my in-law's family. Too focused on the bride, probably. One of the things that I never thought of is that we adopt each other's traditions. That means that each December I get chocolate dipped stuff.
This year I was more of a bystander than a participant, after all the Vikings were on. In the past I've tried dipping ginger snaps (with dark chocolate, very yummy). One year I tried Nutter Butters. This was very exciting for me until I found out that they taste just like Little Debbie's Nutty Bars. Tasty, but I was hoping for something new.
This year the FP Gal made me some chocolate dipped banana slices. And of course the chocolate pretzels are very yummy. She and Relia can split the strawberries and marshmallows.
This is always a good day and this year was no exception.


Kate said…
Oh! Oh! Oh! I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT NUTTER BUTTERS! You SO know I'm going to try this, right?
Peder said…
Kate, it really is tasty. I prefer the dark chocolate to the milk but you may differ.
Heidi said…
I made turtles tonight! Yumm!!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I;m not kidding on this; potato chips. It sounds really weird/gross, but rippled chips dip quite well, especially in darker chocolate.

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