Christmas, Part Deux

Today we drove down to Austin. We had planned on yesterday but that didn't work out. The change of schedule worked out for us anyway.
We opened up with our usual Sunday morning walk through the MOA. Of note, Relia asked to wear Paratrooper Bear (aka child harness w/leash) and we let her. That always brings looks from others as they try to decide if it's cute or inhumane.
We left from there and went straight to Austin. The FP Gal predicted that she'd be fast asleep by Burnsville. She was. They were both asleep by Northfield. Which allowed me to spend some time with my music and my thoughts. The three of us don't spend enough time together.
We went to Uncle David and Aunt Donna's house for lunch. Amy made very yummy Chinese food. Then it was time for some Christmas themed readings. Relia picked a part that was represented by a crown, which she announced was a 'birthday cake'. She is in full on mimic stage which brought about a short memorable speech that went something like, "He was on the cross with birthday cake!". The FP Gal was in tears, she was crying so hard.
Relia helped with present time, opening packaging whether it belonged to her or not. She was also very insistent on knowing what was in each thing. She got some snack cakes and made a small (but cute) mess. This was followed by card playing and naps.
We took some time to visit the Bremners before they head east and then to parts unknown. Always a good time. Good talk for the adults and Relia gets swept into the whirlwind of their 14 children. Even though we only saw them a few times a year, we'll miss them.
Then back home with Relia sleeping most of the way (again). Her bedtime is all screwed up for the night but we'll make it through. Christmas is almost done for us (and will be as soon as we get things mailed out). We had a great time. This is a holiday that is always better with a toddler.


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