Random Thursday Night thoughts

Been awhile since one of these...
  • Very cold here in Minnesota. We went from record cold October to record warm November. December started off normally and now we are in the deep freeze portion. We should get to somewhere around -5 tonight. I could happily go a whole winter without temps below zero.
  • McDonalds rolled out something new, the Mac Snack Wrap. Basically, it's a tortilla with the ingredients of the Big Mac. Tried one out yesterday and wasn't impressed. If you want a Big Mac, stay with the original.
  • I enjoyed these different doorknobs. The last one is my favorite.
  • The latest word on the 'Life of Pi' movie is that Ang Lee will direct and it will be released sometime in 2011. I'm very curious how that will work out.
  • I'm thinking of checking this out. We have been seriously dreaming of a warm vacation (although it's seriously unlikely). Today Relia said, "wanna go to the beach". The FP Gal and I couldn't agree more.
  • It's currently 81 in Honolulu (sigh).
That's it!


Kate said…
Why would you mess with the Big Mac? Seriously. And I'm all about cruises. I went on ONE and I absolutely loved it. I would recommend it. Even with kids/babies. It's a beautiful thing. And I dream of beaches all the time. Only usually in February.

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