
Ok, my post from last night wasn't clear enough. The problem isn't clothing, per se, it's tantrum throwing. Clothes are a focal point but even if she gets her way it only delays the fight. Probably delay it until it's time to go to daycare. (And it's not that she doesn't like daycare.)
Tonight was another rough one, with a very long tantrum as the FP Gal put her down for the night. Yelling, of course, and kicking and hitting. A new one tonight featured an attempt to dismantle a chair that was in there. That's our little carpenter!
It's probably just terrible two stuff and we just need to be patient. That is the tack that we're trying. This means plenty of time-outs and time alone in her room. The really tough time is when we don't really have time to deal with her. The morning daycare fight is a prime example. It's just wearing on us.


Kate said…
Oh man, it's hard! I am no parent, but I've done enough "parenting" to know the frustration and despair that comes with the tantrum. I get the time thing. I do! But ignoring it and keeping that even tone of voice as if she's not even doing it has been key for me. But the time makes everyone impatient and that's when it seems impossible. Hang in there.
Chris said…
It just takes time. Wait till you have two! Our kids are perfect angels 1-on-1 (more or less), but can be horrible when they get each other going.

Feel better now? :-)
carrster said…
I still use the distraction method A LOT with Dahlia - sometimes it works, sometimes not so good. Sometimes there's nothing close enough to distract her with but even if something really stupid comes out of my mouth ("look Dahlia, that light looks like a spaceship") the tone & excitement in my voice seems to quiet her for a short moment or two while I try to think of a new plan. Ugh, I hate tantrums!! The brightside - Relia is RIGHT ON developmentally! She's really trying to show you who's boss!!
Sarita said…
I keep trying to remind myself that it really s just a matter of waiting her out, and showing that there is a better way to get what she wants, or that she just has to accept "no" once in a while.

I think the big difficulty for Peder is that in the morning he is under some time pressure.

I'll share my new idea with you tonight babe.
Test said…
Distraction does not work with Claire. Neither does allowing her to pick out her clothing. She just wants to stay in her jammies ALL day. Luckily, we don't have the same stress as you to get out the door.

I have the kicking daughter who won't let me change her diaper. She also does not like to go to bed and ever since she was moved into the big girl bed we have had a visitor at different points of the night. Getting her to go to sleep is a battle. One I dread every single night.

I am looking forward to the next phase.
Peder said…
Holly, if you hit on something, do share. I'm sure that the big answer is the one from Chris: time.

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