Father's Day

We had a rather low key day, which suits me just fine. The only real outing was a trip to Friday's with the FP Gal's family. (Well, Relia and I went to a park this morning. This park is both red and blue. But we already have a Red park and a Blue park. No idea how we'll name this one.)
The family got me a gift certificate for movies and the FP Gal agreed to let me have time to use it. Some people can't stand to go see movies on their own but it doesn't bother me. Now I just need the movie industry to make something that I want to see. (Which isn't completely true. Both 'Toy Story 3' and 'Iron Man 2' will be watched but I'm saving them to see with the FP Gal.) I'm sure something good will pop up.
Yikes! I just checked to see what movies are out right now and one of the theaters near us has a midnight showing of 'Knight and Day', the upcoming Cruise/Diaz movie. Are they seriously expecting such interest for that recycled piece of crap that they needed a midnight showing? Will they get even ten people? Color me skeptical.
As I said, the day was low key. I spent about two hours up on the third floor this afternoon. Watched some of the flop fest that was the Brazil/Ivory Coast game. Played some Adv Civ and did some reading. Which was a fine way to spend a couple of hours . . .


DD4 said…
I'm glad you had a nice Father's Day, Peder!

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