Tairy Fales

Relia was introduced to 'Shrek' this week. We've been holding out on this one because some of the humor is a bit off color, but the time is right and there you go. (She calls the movie 'shriek' and insists that this is his name. No argument will convince her otherwise.) I'm assuming that 'Shrek' has been well watched by this blog's audience. If not, you only need to know two things. Firstly, it is a movie with a satirical take on other movie renditions of fairy tales, especially Disney. And secondly, it's a great movie.
'Shrek' now joins a growing list of post-modern fairy tales in our house. We have:
  • A book that tells what happened to the three little bears after Goldilocks visits them.
  • Another book that tells the big bad wolf's side of the story when it comes to the three little pigs.
  • The Stinky Cheese man, who replaces the more traditional gingerbread one.
What do all of these have in common? Simple, Relia doesn't know the original stories. We don't have the primary stories (though I'm sure we will at some time). All we have are the goofs on them.
Is that weird?


Anonymous said…
funny, we watched shrek this weekend too and I was thankful that most of it was over my 3yr old's head. And I was surprised at the language. We don't use the word Jack Ass or Ass...so I was hoping she missed that part.
Brian said…
I think Shrek looks like Uncle Jerry!
Kate said…
So, are they just as funny to her without the backstory?
Peder said…
I don't think she really understands the stories. Certainly not on an ironic level. I'm never really sure just how much she understands.

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