Turn Signals

Holy cats, do I need this bumper sticker!

I don't understand why some people resist using their turn signals. Sometimes I think it's a power thing. Which is stupid. You're not losing power to me if I can tell which way you're going to turn. Really. Your power levels remain at the same point they were previously.
Lately I've been seeing a new variant of signal stupidity. The driver will pull up to a red light and stop there without a signal. As soon as they get a green, they turn on the left blinker and go.
Look, when you're on the road, other drivers try to figure out what you're doing. Anything that makes that harder is a bad thing. Get it together!


MamaD4 said…
They're lazy, pure and simple. They leave it up to YOU to intuit what their next move is. My personal favorites are people who signal AS they're going into the turn. Oh--nothing like telling us you're turning WHILE you're turning!
carrster said…
Ugh - I hate that too. Is it SO difficult to put the blinker on? I think it's an arrogance thing. Like they don't NEED to reveal their very important intentions to us....whatever. It's 2nd nature to me. I'm hoping to NOT get in an accident, ya know?

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