Public Storage Commercial

Have you seen this? Go ahead and watch, I'll wait...

Done? Good. Ok, does that make sense to anyone?
Step one (cut a hole in a box), get married. Ok, easy enough. Step two, decide that your husband's stuff is now not good enough for you. Sure, that sounds healthy. Step three, tell him that he doesn't need to worry about throwing it out, you'll simply put it in storage. What the hell are you storing it for, the eventual divorce? How does this possibly make sense?
Actually, the thing that baffles me is how something this stupid could get through some kind of creative process and be put on the air. Some advertising company must have brainstormed this piece of crap. Then they pitched it to the client, who somehow thought this gave customers a good feeling about their product. And then they filmed this without someone (anyone!) standing up and asking what they were doing.


Ok, end of rant. Let me now tell a related story!

There was a period of my life, starting right after I moved out from the parents, when my furniture was . . . not so nice. No really. It was college apartment style stuff. Functional but not nice. And nothing even came close to matching.
As I hit the age of 30 I thought about finally upgrading and improving the lot. But then I realized that it could be a terrible mistake. What if I met a woman who wanted to change and improve me? Yikes!
Unless . . . what if I left something improvable? Something that could be changed and I'd be happy about it. Something like furniture! Ah, the perfect plan.
And then I screwed it up. I changed apartments and decided it was the perfect time to get a new couch. They could deliver it and I wouldn't have to move the durn thing. So I did the shopping, put in place and it was (still is) wonderful. It's deep and long enough to lay down on comfortably. It has one small flaw in that the back is pillows and not cushions but it's not a big deal. It's a great couch.

Guess what one thing the FP Gal wants to change . . . ?


Sarita said…
Except that I made you throw out your bed AND your dining room chairs when you moved in :)
carrster said…
hahahaha! That is sort of hysterical. :)

Peder - haven't you learned you can't win with women? ha!
carrster said…
And about the ad....WTH? I saw another PS ad the other day that I thought was ridiculous. Really, why hold on to the beer can collection & Hobo plates? I say sell them on Craigslist!

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