Random thoughts

  • Seriously, what day of the week is this? The combination of weekend days and Tuesday holidays has me seriously screwed up. Off again tomorrow and back to work on Friday. I'll be sometime next week before I have this figured out.
  • Space news? There is a 5% chance that Mars is going to be smacked by an asteroid on Jan 30th. The rock is similar to the one that created the crater in Arizona. It seems wrong to cheer for destruction but...that would be cool!
  • The Iowa Caucus is tomorrow night. (That means that the commercials in southern Minnesota should end, deus volent.) For a primer on the incredibly complex rules, go here. Seriously, it'll be nice to have some actual votes cast instead just relying on polls.
  • Radical NFL playoff proposal here (number 2). I like it. Would have made last weekend's games better. Probably too radical, and really the NFL has no reason to seriously tamper with it's product at this time.
  • That's it!


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