Crash day anniversary

I wrote about this way back in '05. This is the fifth anniversary and it deserves a mention. For those of you who don't know the story, five years ago today I crashed my car into a couple of trees. The roads were icy and the choice was the ditch or the oncoming minivan. Not a tough decision.
Almost killed my new sister-in-law but she made it through, thank God. My brother had it the easiest, though I can't really call that an easy thing for anyone. I was lucky enough to take the impact on less sensitive area, my face.
Lucky for me, the doctors at Mayo are top notch and everything was put back together again. I've had people work with me for years that have no idea of my limitations. Well, it's well known that I can't smell things anymore. You can't tell about the vision thing unless you invite me to a 3D party.
I used to think about it everyday but don't anymore. Well, this time of year brings it back but otherwise it's not a big deal. The simple lesson is that you don't know when your time is up. You shouldn't put things off forever because you don't know when forever is on it's way.
After the accident I felt bad because I really didn't have a legacy to pass on. The novel writing was in part a response to that. Aurelia is a bigger response. Not that I had her for legacy reasons or anything like that, but she's definitely a mark on the world.
Speaking of children, having one of my own has made me reflect on how awful this must have been for all of the parents involved. What an awful phone call to receive! The news was ultimately good, but I can't imagine the stress of that situation. In some ways, it's easier to be the one in the hospital.
Well, everything (and everybody) is fine now. That's the best we can hope for.


Brian said…
I remember that day well too. I used to think about it more as well. I also remmber the day before. You and I hadn't been talking as often. Not on purpose, just life. We talked the night before for over an hour. I got off the phone feeling really good. I found out the next day at work about the accident. The next two days were hard on me. I wanted to be there with you. Mom and Dad said you were going to be fine... I could not not see you. Tickets were booked and I was there. I am glad I was able to spend so much time with you. Plus Mayo has really good French silk pie. I have never taken for granted that I will always have more time. I don't want to think of the past 5 years without you, or Hans, or Rachel. I am greatfull your recovery has gone so well.
DD4 said…
It was the worst phone call I have ever received. Driving to Rochester with Aunt Liz (Pat in a vehicle behind us) was tough too as I didn't know if we would make it in time.

I can't drive to Austin without reliving that day and the weeks that followed. I've stopped at the site once to say a thank you prayer to God for allowing all of you to live. I'm so happy with the outcome.

Heidi, Janet, Jerry, Aunt Liz and Pat were so supportive. That's what families are all about.
MamaD4 said…
Trust me, Hans didn't have it THAT easy. He had a pretty pissed off and broken wife to deal with. One that had been married to him for just a few weeks. One that made him feel guilty every time he left her alone for those first days after the accident. For a few moments, I wasn't sure we would make it. Obviously, we did and I'm glad, but I still feel bad about how horrible and selfish I was.

Funny how I remembered my dad's cell phone number in the midst of all the action in the ER and being in a morphine-haze. My parents were somewhere in the middle of South Dakota when I called, too, so they had a much longer trip to get to where we were...

I'm glad we're all here too. We have much to be grateful for.
Peder, it will be a day I will never forget too. When your Mother called me, I dropped everything and drove to the hospital. I didn't want any of you three to get there and not have someone you knew to be there.
I got to see Rachel first and I remember her asking for her Mother. I think you have to be a Mother/parent to understand this. She was worried about Hans and you. I couldn't give her any news as I didn't have any to give her.
Then they called me in to be with you. When I saw you my heart just stopped. Your entire face was so swollen, I was so scared for you. They took me to a small room and said it would be for the family. They also told me to talk to your Mom about what she was about to see.
There are so many things I remember about the upcoming days. It was great to have Heidi there. She had a calming effect about her. That must be why she is so good at her stressful job.
When I needed your Mothers support back in Austin in 1983, she was there for me. I knew when this happened to you that I could be there for her.
I am so thankful about how your life has become. You are a special person with a very lovely wife and beautiful daughter.
I Love you guys.
Meigan said…
Wow, Peder - I had no idea this happened to you. I wondered how you got such a cool picture of your skull in your profile...

I'm SO glad you & everyone else are ok. Smelling is overrated, yes?
Anonymous said…
I am a lurker...

I too had an accident about 6 years ago. In my case the car coming the opposite direction fishtailed on icy roads and came into my lane and I couldn't stop so I hit his passenger side door and almost cut his car in half. He died. I walked away. I know what it is like to think about an accident every day. Anyway...i don't know you but had to comment since I had some sense of what you are go through. Definitely makes you appreciate the little a new baby smiling!
Peder said…
Anon, I can't imagine how that must have been like. I'm very sorry for you.

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