
Heads up, this post contains lots of vomit. If that bothers you, please skip it.

We had ambitious plans for Saturday. Relia was going to go over to Mom's in the morning for some babysitting. I'd go and see a movie (Cloverfield) and then go back and pick her up. That evening we would drop Relia off at the FP Gal's folks for an overnight stay (her first away from Mom!). We would go to my companies holiday party for a night of dining, dancing and winning prizes.
The first hiccup started on Friday. Well, hiccup probably doesn't really cover it. Relia decided to throw up a few times. Yes, she was sick with a stomach complaint. By the end of Friday night the FP Gal started feeling bad herself. It didn't hit me until Saturday morning.
Despite my queasy stomach, I took our baby over to Mom's place on Saturday. Relia hadn't thrown up since the afternoon before so she was probably ok. Mom was willing to risk it. I dropped her off and went to the movie.
Which reminds me...

Cloverfield - 2008
This movie is a combination of 'Godzilla' and the 'Blair Witch Project'. If that sounds good to you, then you should go and see it. If you don't want to see a large something knocking down buildings while the handheld camera bobs and zooms then don't.
My own review is incomplete because I had to leave the movie about twenty minutes in so I could throw up in the garbage can right outside the theater. Not my proudest moment as an adult. I told the theater people, apologizing profusely.
Then I realized that my hat was still in there so I went back in. Didn't feel so bad this time so I sat watched the rest of the movie. Not great, but worth watching.
Picked up our adorable little girl and went home, going straight to bed. Got up hours later and still felt bad. After much discussion decided to go to the holiday party.
Dropped off Relia (very hard for the FP Gal) and went to the hotel. I introduced her around (not that she'll remember any names) and we got a table. I didn't feel like I could really eat anything but I did nibble around the edges. Then our prime rib came. I took one bite and raced off to the bathroom. Vomit number two! The upside is that after that I could eat again.
Prize time and we could hardly keep our eyes open. We ended up winning a $25 gift certificate from Target (we were hoping for airline tickets). Then we left.
Straight home and into bed (roughly 10p). I woke up at midnight and spent the rest of the night fading in and out in front of the TV. The FP Gal slept the whole night through.
Today? I feel much better and the FP Gal feels lousy. We should probably put some kind of biohazard sign on the front door.
Never really thought of the consequences of a sick child before. Welcome to the joys of parenthood.


Meigan said…
Oh man, welcome to parenthood is right! You're starting to sound like us. I hate the sickies!!!

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