The Eagle has Landed

Or at least the Mommy has come home.
Let me back up, today was my usual day off but with a twist. My Dad came up today to help look after her (and to watch some basketball). The FP Gal had a late night today with a school function so it seemed like some help was in order. Not to mention that it gave him a chance to play with his granddaughter.
Dad had to leave late in the afternoon. Things went well for an hour or so and then it all fell apart. Relia had a bottle and acted like she was going to take a nap. I started my own dinner and she woke up. Woke up with a vengeance! There was much yelling and screaming (most of it from her). There was whining and general unhappiness. No toy was the right one. No position felt good. Nothing I was doing worked.
The problem wasn't hard to figure out, she didn't nap much today. She was overly tired and couldn't sleep. That old saying about 'if momma ain't happy, no one is happy' is wrong, or at least incomplete. The happiness pyramid starts with baby and trickles down from there.
Anyway, the FP Gal is home and I'm off duty. Whew!


carrster said…
Dahlia was cranky today too. Maybe it was the moon phase or something!

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