Every day a new change

Our little girl is growing up right in front of our eyes. (Well, she's growing up when we're not looking too. I mean when she's at daycare.) (And at night.) (Well, probably at night. Her fingernails at least.) (But not her hair. Or at least very little growth on that front.) (Yes, I'm not one to talk. Let's just hope that her next twenty years of hair growth is more abundant than mine.) (Not that the Sinead OConnor look can't be nice. Some guys really dig that in a girl.) (Or course, I hope our baby girl never goes on SNL and tears up a picture of the Pope. That's just rude.) (Hopefully no other religious leaders either. Can you imagine the outrage that would follow if someone destroyed a picture of the Dali Lama?)
Where was I? Oh yes, she's growing everyday.

(For the life of me, I had examples in mind but now I can't remember them. Guess I'm getting old, too.)


MommyLisa said…
Hair can take a LONG time. Boo Boo La La was still just about bald until she was 1.5 years old. IU even notice her pony tails today are thicker than they were two months ago.
Meigan said…
Speaking of hair, I was going through old photos today for my blog about Carrie, and I found quite a few pics of you with PLENTY of hair back in HS! Do I need to post them??
Peder said…
Meigan, go ahead and post them. Should be fun to see.

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