
It's finally all up on the web. I didn't get a good counter on the thing so I don't really have any idea if anyone was reading or not. Which is a strange, strange feeling. Kind of like playing to a dark theater with no chance of glimpsing the audience.
Heinlein said that "A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits," and man does that ring true. This entire time I've alternated between feeling like a show off hack and a real writer sharing some (very minor) art with his friends. Now that it's all up I think I'd rather not know which one is closer to the truth.
Did I enjoy it? Yes. Thinking up the Wonders was great fun. The first four were simple, the next two were much harder and the seventh was very difficult. Not sure what the next would have been or even could have been.
The characters were much harder to write and they're easily the weakest of the story. Still, there was that one moment. The one where it all clicked into place. Easily the best part of writing this. Even got chills.
Now what? Well, NaNoWriMo rolls around again this November. I'll certainly try it again this year (wife permitting). I'll keep writing short stories as they come to me. Wrote about a half dozen of them last year and I hope to have the same luck again. Maybe some day I'll have real books published and everything. That sounds like living the dream.


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