16 Degrees

According to the Strib...
On Friday, the National Weather Service confirmed that there has never been a colder first two weeks of the month. Typically the average high temperature for the Twin Cities during Oct. 1-14 is 63 degrees, but this year the average high temperature was only 47 degrees, or 16 degrees below average. That breaks the old mark of 52 degrees set back in 1875.
Frankly, that's insane. And it's kind of screwing everyone up. Halloween is in two weeks and it isn't on anyone's mind. The leaves really didn't turn this year. They're dropping off the trees while green. Very strange.
It's also the seventh snowiest October in recorded history. What else? One of the top ten wettest ever. And we still have two weeks left.
Sure hope this isn't a sign of things to come...


Meigan said…
How crazy! It was 63 here today - just gorgeous. We haven't had a frost yet. I guess it's good to hear this because we miss MN so badly. Especially DH with his beloved VIKINGS. Being warm makes WI a good place to be right now.

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