More movies

In an attempt to broaden or movie menu for Relia, I tried some Miyazaki today, 'Spirited Away'. Don't know if I've ever blogged about the movie, let's just say that it is something like a Japanese version of Alice in Wonderland. Very beautiful, great score . . . and maybe a little too scary.
At least that's what I was afraid of. Movie scariness is a tricky thing with toddlers. For dramatic purposes there must be some conflict and it's not always clear what will be too much. 'Nemo' is basically about a kidnapping and she doesn't seem to have any issues with it. We've also been watching 'The Jungle Book' which is about a tiger that wants to eat a boy. Not only is she ok with it, she roots for the tiger!
'Spirited Away' opens with a small girl whose parents suddenly turn into pigs. She must find her way through a magical and unpredictably dangerous world in order to try and save them. Relia seemed to be fine with it. She's happily watching it again right now.
I'm finding the whole age appropriate question a little difficult. Modern children's shows are insipid. She can watch them but they are uniformly timid. When do you increase the risk factor? I'm not sure. She seems to be ok with what we've picked so far but I'm still not sure. Maybe we never will be.


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