Austin and Back

Yesterday was my father's birthday so today Relia and I decided to drive down and see him. I did most of the driving. Frankly, she's a little erratic on the road. In her defense, it is hard for her to reach the pedals and impossible to see over the wheel.
Anyway . . . we drove down to see him. We got there and Relia ran around his house, chasing his cat Missy. She got some cookies (we're too mean to give her any) and played with Grandma's stuffed toys. We took a quick spin through town and saw Aunt Donna (hi!).
Off to lunch and we had Chinese buffet. Relia liked the lo mein noodles, the raisins and the ice cream. Oh, and the dumplings. She didn't care for the beans or the constant requests to sit down.
Next was Oak Park Mall. It's a ghost town, but ghost towns have their advantages. In this case I was hoping for a place where she could run around without cold or crowds. Problem solved! Speaking of empty spaces, I had an idea for the mall. I think they should open it on Saturday nights for roller skating. Think of the speed you could build up on the long straight-a-ways. Whee!
Back to the cities. She slept the whole way, I wished I could. It was a very fun day.


Kate said…
My mom calls the mall the Bowling Alley
DD4 said…
You should send your idea to the mall management. Who knows - - they might roll with it!

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