
Last night the FP Gal and Relia came home to find me watching 'The Perfect Storm'. After watching for a few minutes, Relia yelled at the tv: "Get the rain off the boat! Get the rain off!". We quickly decided this wasn't good pre-bedtime viewing.
My dad and Relia:
Dad: How are you?
Relia: Pretty good.
(later) Dad: How old are you?
Relia: Pretty old.
FP Gal calls to me, Relia repeats it.
Me: Are you in a repeating phase?
Relia: (pause) I'm Relia!


DD4 said…
Yes, she likes to repeat. When she was at my home last weekend, after I sneezed, I said, "Uff da!" Moments later she said,"Uff da!" It's one of the phrases I hopes she keeps.

She is so cute!
Pat said…
Talk about cute and having sooo much personality. Love it!!

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