Getting Better

Relia and I have been sick the past few days. Today was my first real day back at work since last Wednesday. As of this afternoon, Relia seems much better than she did the last few days. We've got our fingers crossed that she's done being sick.
On a related note, the word 'temperature' makes her cry out and keep her bottom covered. We're trying to use a replacement word, 'Gumby'. This makes sense to the FP Gal for some reason. I'd say that Gumby's horse has the more. . . appropriate name.
Anyway, we're on the mend. Regular posting should occur tonight.


Kate said…
Dude. Digital thermometer.

And I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm still struggling with the crud.
Peder said…
The one we use is digital. She still finds it uncomfortable/undignified.
carrster said…
Yeah, Dahlia knows right where it goes too....I have an ear thermometer but it will give me 4 VERY different readings in a row. I don't trust it!

Hope you're all feeling well soon!!

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