Fish Movie

Tried something new this week. On Thursday we took a break from Sesame St and tried a movie. I figured something animated would work well and the Pixar set is top notch so that helped. After some small deliberation we went with 'Finding Nemo'. Or as Relia has decided to call it, 'Fish Movie'.
She liked it a lot. Didn't understand much (probably) but that's ok. The movie opens with Nemo's mother, Coral, getting eaten by a barracuda. There were lots of 'where's Coral' questions and that made me wonder if the movie was ok for her. But she accepted my explanation that she 'went with the bigger fish'. I think her favorite part was the sea turtles though that could be projection.
The FP Gal tried 'Monsters Inc' with her. She pays attention but her main focus is 'where baby go?', as in 'where is Boo?'. I think she enjoys it.


Chris said…
With Nick we skipped the Coral part of the movie for about four years. At some point Xander saw that opening scene and demanded that we start at the beginning.
MamaD4 said…
You could say that Coral "sleeps with the fishes"...

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