Relia has decided that the words 'happy' and 'tired' are opposites. For example, we'll be in the car and she'll start to look a bit drowsy. If we ask if she's tired she says, "No, I'm happy". If the FP Gal or myself nap on the couch when she wakes us at 5a she'll repeatedly ask if we're happy. We're trying to explain that we can be both happy and tired. In fact we often are.
Tonight, after her bath we were getting her dressed for bed. She became very upset and with tears in her eyes started crying, "I'm happy! I'm happy! I'm happy!". Poor thing.
(For the record, she was out very quickly tonight. She really was tired. Maybe happy too.)
Tonight, after her bath we were getting her dressed for bed. She became very upset and with tears in her eyes started crying, "I'm happy! I'm happy! I'm happy!". Poor thing.
(For the record, she was out very quickly tonight. She really was tired. Maybe happy too.)