The Green Frosting Incident

Experienced parents will tell you what sound means that your child is up to something: silence. It can be tricky. Imagine that you've had a long day and you really wish that he/she would just be quiet for a moment. That moment comes and for a brief instant you savor it. Then you try to figure out where they are and what they're doing.
Earlier today the FP Gal made some frosting for a project of mine. The whole afternoon was a bit chaotic. Her folks were over. There was much baking and frosting in the kitchen. There was an unbelievable amount of snack food wandering around the house. And to cap it off, we got a preview of the NFL Redzone channel (one where they constantly switch to the most exciting game).
This was Relia's second day in a row with large amounts of family and she was pretty darn tired. Quick to tantrum. Very unclear about what she wanted. Tears and yelling at the drop of a hat. And then she was quiet.
After about a minute the FP Gal and I looked at each other and called for her. I found her in the kitchen. At the garbage can. Where she fished out the green frosting and was enjoying it. We got to her before it became too widespread.
One of the reasons why I love the FP Gal is her reaction to this type of situation. I called to her and she came right away. Didn't get the least bit mad, immediately saw the humor in the whole deal. After seeing out little Hulk, she quickly held her hands so I could run and get the camera. (The FP Gal will either post it or insert it into my blog I'm sure.) was bath night anyway, right?


DD4 said…
I think she gets her sweet tooth from me. Sorry about that.

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