Signs of Fall
The cool weather of the last couple of weeks has in full Fall mode. These are things that happen every year:
- Changes in wardrobe as we try and find jackets and sweaters from last spring. This year we're trying to convince Relia that she can't wear her pink flip-flops anymore. She doesn't believe us.
- Putting the flannel sheets and electric blanket on the bed. Every year the FP Gal turns to me and tells me I'm a genius for getting the sheets.
- A serious hankering to watch 'Dead Poet's Society'. Is there any more Fall movie than that one?
- Blankets back on the couch. That means a burrowing Ozzie. And nice warm feet while reading. (Never have had a cave dwellin' cat like Ozzie. It's wonderful.)
- Start shopping for stews and heavy soups.
- Try and figure out when to cut the lawn for the last time.
- Leaving earlier in the morning to scrape frost off of the car. Ugh.
So there.
I am three.