2 Degrees

The weather here has turned cold in what I fervently hope is the last real cold snap of the winter. I told the FP Gal yesterday that this time it feels personal. Wouldn't be surprised if a weather map showed clouds in the shape of a rather rude gesture.
This morning I had to tell Relia that her gauzy ballet type outfit isn't warm enough. She's disappointed but handling it well. I told her that she'll just have to wait until it's warm out.
Just like the rest of. Sigh...


Sarita said…
pants and a shirt underneath would make it work. But you don't have to share that with her.
Test said…
i'm with you on the cold. so very tired of it. claire wants to play outside and even with wrapping her in every layer of clothing it's not happening. boo!
carrster said…
Dahlia keeps asking to wear sandals & go to the beach! I think she's over the cold too!! (so am I!)

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