
This is Relia's new word and I'm heartily sick of it. She asks it of virtually any statement or situation. Today she was yelling it in the parking ramp (much to the confusion of an elderly couple that tried to greet her).
It actually started last weekend and I developed a strategy where I'd answer each question in sickening detail until she got tired of it. Guess what? She can still outwait me. (I'm still going to dip into this bag at times. I will be . . . Science Dad.)
Anyway, I've trying a new tactic. Tonight I told her that instead of why she must say 'pourquoi'. She pronounces it 'par-claw'. And so far it has stopped her dead in her tracks.
Let's hope she doesn't figure a way around for a few days. I need time to think of the next defense.


Jen said…
try, "why do you think Relia?" in a genuinely interested voice. Stops them in their tracks for a second plus you get some great answers
Micah said…
I wish you well in your attempts to thwart a two year old. On pretty much any issue.
carrster said…
We've only heard inklings of "why" in our house...but I know the day is coming....soon! Good luck! I'll probably be trying your strategies!!
Sarita said…
I think you are kidding yourself. She asked us "por-claw" at least 3 times during her bath tonight.
Kate said…
Hehehe! I do the sickening detail thing for about an hour and then I resort to the time honored, "Because I said so." I mean, we tell ourselves we are not going to do that but, well... It happens.
Chris said…
Nick is still stuck on why at age 8. Of course now it usually comes out in response to a parental decision that he doesn't agree with. And then he asks "why" about 97 times, hoping for a different answer I suppose.

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