Random Thursday Night Stuff

Been awhile . . . :
  • 'Spirit in the Sky' has one of the best bass lines of all time. Relia was rocking out to it earlier and I think she'd agree.
  • Today while we were eating lunch I finished well before my pokey little daughter. I asked if I could have a bite of one of her chicken nuggets and she said, "No, but you can have some more of your pop!". Very kind of her.
  • Temp this morning was a flat zero. The FP Gal's car got stuck while she was backing into the alley and I was pressed into duty. Zero degrees is cold and I'm tired of it. I think I'm going to write a provision into my next contract that I'm exempt from work if the temp is below 20.
  • Loved this: 'The history of the DC universe in 30 seconds'. In crayon. Click each picture to enbiggen for the text.
  • That's it!


Meigan said…
Random Thursday night stuff... and nothing about Heroes vs. Villains???

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