More Olympics

I dig this stuff much more than the FP Gal. I've got a feeling that our other TVs are going to get quite a workout over the next two weeks . . .
  • I'm enjoying watching the different sports with Relia and trying to explain what they're doing. She doesn't quite understand the difference between skis and skates, or at least she doesn't consistently label them correctly. But she enjoys watching!
  • Trying to figure out which Olympics is the first that I remember. I was only three during the '76 games. I think I might remember bits of the Lake Placid games in '80. I clearly remember Sarajevo and LA in '84. I'm curious what other people remember.
  • Loved watching the men's short track skating last night. The wild swings of position are amazing. And the wipeouts are pretty spectacular.
  • Biathlon is on right now. I made a short attempt at explaining it to Relia and then gave up.
  • Usually I enjoy team sports to individual ones. Somehow that's not true with the Olympics. Not sure why.
  • My mom's account of her time in Vancouver is here. It sounds like it was a blast.


Kate said…
I can't watch the Olympics. It seems totally un American to say that. Sheez! But I just can't take the agony of defeat. Not de feet, but the competition - it makes me dizzy. Weird, huh?
Steve said…
I very clearly remember Sarajevo and LA and like you have what I believe are memories of the Lake Placid olympics. Probably watch figure skating as that was what my parents always watched. Too bad I missed the hockey.

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