Oscar Nominees!

Hey, they announced the Oscar nominees for 2009 today. For the first time in sixty-some years they expanded the Best Picture category to ten movies. Which is interesting but not as good as just going with five dramas and five comedies. Anyway, the list:

The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglorious Basterds
A Serious Man
Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire
Up in the Air

We only saw two of them. We loved 'Up', ran out and bought it right away when the DVD came out. We thought 'Up in the Air' was very good. Just realized that I never blogged it, will fix that tomorrow. I'm curious if you guys saw any of the others and what you thought.
A few random thoughts about the list. Is there any way that 'Blind Side' gets a nom if this list is only five movies long? Or 'District 9' for that matter? 'District 9' is on the Netflix list so I'll have some idea soon. 'An Education' looks good to me (trailer here). What I've heard of 'Avatar' is mostly that it's gorgeous to look at but the story is thin. 'A Serious Man' was filmed here in the Cities. 'Precious' has the worst add on title in the history of Oscar nominated films. Heard good things about 'Basterds' but haven't felt any need to run out and see it. I'm probably cheering for 'Up' but I've got a feeling it will win Best Animated Film instead of Best Picture.
Any thoughts?


Kate said…
I saw none of them. Sigh. I need to get out more.
carrster said…
I saw THE HURT LOCKER (good, stressful, but a bit overrated, in my book); AVATAR was incredible, but yes, many many many many story flaws - um, James Cameron could you hire some WRITERS please?; just saw PRECIOUS - wow, tough movie. Both actresses in the film gave pretty incredible performances, but it's a tough one to watch.

I'm behind on all the others. I think 10 best pic noms is RIDICULOUS!! Split them comedy/drama if you're going to have that many. Any UP being nominated for 2 'big' categories (best pic & best animated pic) is just dumb. Ah well.

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