Too Much Snow!

No, not here. We did get some, enough for them to halve our street parking for the next ten weeks. I wonder which animal sees it's shadow for that to happen?
Anyway, I'm talking about the east coast. Well, really everything from Chicago and over. Lots of and lots of snow. Many, so many closed airports and canceled flights. Fortunately, not a lot of stranded travelers from what I can tell.
Yesterday at work was spent working with travelers desperately trying to hit the window between this weekends blizzard and the one that's hitting about now. They'd try and get in on Tuesday and then hope that they could get out again sometime later in the week. I wish them all luck.
Today was more clean up and an overall canceling of flights over the next two days. The only saving grace here is that the first blizzard gave plenty of warning for the second one. Or at least got people to pay attention.
Let's all cross our fingers and hope that this is it for this winter, ok?


DD4 said…
Good luck with the parking. I feel sorry for everyone who has to deal with this.
Kate said…
Our street ended up being a one-way after awhile. But now, it's finally plowed. Sigh. I'm kind of over winter at this point.

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