Super Bowl Ads

I think this one was my favorite:

But this one did make me say, "awww...":

But I'm pretty sure that our version had a DL flight search. Regional targeting?

This ad:

made me want all Green candidates to lose elections in perpetuity.


Test said…
Peder, I respectfully disagree with your comment on the Green Police. That one made me laugh out loud. Maybe its the composting, non-styrofoam using tree-hugger who can laugh at herself in me... dunno.
Hans said…
I can't figure out if they are mocking the movement or if they are wanting life to be like that. Probably both. It is a nice car, though - for a diesel.
DD4 said…
My favorites were 1) the one with Betty White and 2) the one with the Budweiser pony and baby bull. That pony wins my heart every time.
Peder said…
Holly, tell me more, please. I've been trying to figure out the attraction from a more green perspective and I can't get there. The commercial shows an environmental dictatorship where normal freedoms are completely ignored for trivial clean gains. At the end we find out that a clean car can get you out of an obtrusive traffic stop. Where's the appeal?
Test said…
To Hans' point it is interesting that they are pushing the green initiative but making light of it at the same time. Hmmm...

For me it was self-mockery. Even as someone who tries her hardest to go green I can see where the messaging can get old for people who hear it from others on a regular basis. In a way, I think it was making fun of me and my desire to turn Jordan into a greenie. And it was done in a way that instead of making me angry, made me laugh.

Or maybe it was simply because it wasn't another beer commercial? Just kidding.

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