After 'Lost'

The FP Gal and I were discussing what the various actors on 'Lost' can do after the show has ended. Some of them will use this as a stepping stone to more work. Others will be trapped and type cast in similar roles forever. This is the speculation so far:
  • Jack (Matthew Fox) - will continue to play leading man types, possibly of the haunted type. Plays a good drunk though...
  • Kate (Evangeline Lily) - looks like she's aged about ten years since the show started. May be past her ingenue days. Could possibly do some romantic comedies.
  • Hugo (Jorge Garcia) - big future ahead in comedy roles.
  • Sayid (Naveen Andrews) - think I've mentioned this already but I think he should step into a recurring James Bond type role. Would be outstanding.
  • Ben (Micheal Emerson) - could step into many villain type roles. It'd be hard to trust him in anything benevolent but he's a good enough actor so who knows.
  • The island (itself) - could serve as a health spa or high end resort.

What do you think?


Peder said…
And I mentioned to the FP Gal that the smoke monster should do commercials even before the target ad!

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