
You're probably tired of these short posts this week. Sorry about that. I'm kind of just enjoying some down time with the fam.
  • We're all fine (mostly). Relia is still coughing a bit from her cold. And she may have given it to me. We're protecting Felix as much as we can but he's going to be exposed to this sometime.
  • So far he is holding up quite well. Shows no sign of actually getting our colds. We were told that it would only be a problem if he became listless and unwilling to eat. So far that has not been a problem.
  • Actually, he's been pretty easy so far [knocks wood]. Lots of sleeping and eating. The FP Gal tells me that the night time feeding has gone well.
  • Relia is handling the transition quite well. She showed some jealousy for the first time today when I dared to drape one of her blankets over Felix. The green eyed monster came out and he ended up with a different blanket. We'll work on this.
  • Took the fam into work on Thursday to show them off. Everyone is amazed at a) how good Felix looks, especially his skin tone. And b) how good the FP Gal looks. She has really bounced back from this like a champ. At the hospital they told her that she's built for this and the evidence of this week seems to back it up.
Back to work on Monday for me. This time away has been very nice!


Kate said…
No sharing blankets? Ha! It will take some time. Maybe have her pick some of her baby-baby toys/blankets/clothes that she could "give" to him since she's a "big girl" now?

And I love these little vignettes. So glad everyone is doing well.

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