
We took the kids garage saling on Saturday morning. Relia referred to them as 'hundred dollars' possibly because of some confusion with 'Deal or No Deal'. Anyway, off we went, got to about three yards and then the rain started. Hardcore buyers will shrug off rain. Lugging around two kids keeps you from being hardcore.
Lucky for us, one of the nearby churches had a sale in their basement. And we found Candyland. Which is probably the perfect start to what I hope is a long life of boardgaming...

Helping Mama with a card

Showing Daddy which color she got

Making her move

Planning her strategy

About to get the double yellow and leave us in the dust


Kate said…
I LOVE CANDYLAND! Oh, wait. I already told you that. I LOVE CANDYLAND!

See? I TOLD you Relia was just like me.
Sarita said…
Peder forgot to mention the game we got was missing ALL of the character cards. This may make for a much longer/less competitive game. I'll have to get going on making some of the missing cards.
DD4 said…
This looks like a fun family activity. Enjoy!
Test said…
We have been playing this lately as well. We had a round last night that resulted in a tight race between me and Claire. Until I got the dreaded candycane.

Love it.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
You know, Peder, I have this clay-squishing game called Grape Escape in my basement that I doubt my family's touched since my younger sister's been five. If you can deal with the trauma of squishing clay with your daughter, you're welcome to it.
Peder said…
Andrew, I may take you up on that.
Meigan said…
Love the deep thought on the strategy picture. Is there strategy to Candyland?

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